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minor leagues 〔美國〕Major League 以下的美國職業棒球隊。

minor mode

He claims to throw nine pitches - - when asked before the game which pitches torre might be most interested in seeing , the manager deadpanned , “ strikes “ - - and dusted off a forkball for his effort against the mariners , a pitch he threw sparingly in the minor leagues but leaned on a great deal in high school 他主張投九個好球,當賽前被問到老爹也許有興趣看到的投球,老爹面無表情,且面對水手時將叉擦球上的灰土擦乾凈,這在小聯盟時候他很少投,但是他在高中的時候卻很倚重指叉球。

“ when i start , the time i get to warm up makes my slider and changeup work better , “ said kuo , who has a 2 . 59 era in four starts , after struggling as a reliever with a 5 . 34 era that got him demoted to the minor leagues twice 郭泓志說“當我先發時,我得到的熱身時間可以讓我的滑球和變速球投的更好“ ,他在這4次先發出賽中只有2 . 59的自責分率,而在他當后援投手時投的相當爭扎,投出5 . 34的高自責分,還為此兩次被降到小聯盟

Meeting with reporters before the concert , williams said he would not accept the team ' s current offer to come to spring training as a long shot on a minor league contract and perhaps play himself onto the roster if another player got hurt 在慈善演出和記者的會談中,威廉斯說他將不會同意球隊在春訓前提出的小聯盟合約,而且如果另一名選手受傷的話,他大概有機會靠自己的實力爭取進入正式名單中。

Torre indicated that clemens is likely to pitch just once for class a tampa , with the yankees mindful of their minor league schedules so as to keep clemens at home stadiums , where the organization can control all aspects of mound maintenance 老爹指出克萊門斯可能只在帕坦一a投一次先發,隨著留意于洋基小聯盟的時間表所以可以讓克萊門斯留在主場,主場上洋基能夠控制所有投手丘上的維護相關問題。

“ when i start , the time i get to warm up makes my slider and changeup work better , “ said kuo , who has a 2 . 59 era in four starts , after struggling as a reliever with a 5 . 34 era that got him demoted to the minor leagues twice 小小郭說. “當我先發時,我擁有更多暖身時間這讓我的滑球和變速球更強. “在這4場先發中小小郭的自責分為2 . 59 .之前在擔任救援投手時自責分為5 . 34 ,這也讓小小郭被降到小聯盟2次

As the yankees gathered their belongings and headed out the clubhouse doors winless for the fourth consecutive day , their spirits were only mildly boosted by muffled reports of roger clemens ' third minor league appearance some 380 miles away in moosic , pa 當洋基步出球場大門連續四天沒能贏球,他們的精神略微的因為火箭人380英里遠外的表現而有所激勵。

Throughout this past week , several minor league players have referred to clemens as the best pitcher in baseball history , so it was appropriate that the rocket began his second run with the yankees at legends field in tampa 過去一周來,一些小聯盟球員只知道火箭人在棒球史上是位優秀投手,因此,當知道他將在這個球場展開他在洋基的第二場棒球生涯

Rocket watch : cashman said that the yankees have reached a tentative date for roger clemens ' first minor league appearance , but that the team is likely to hold off on announcing it until after sunday ' s series finale with the mariners 火箭人觀察:凱許曼說洋基已經暫定出克萊門斯的小聯盟初賽日期,但希望能夠等周日結束水手系列賽后再行發表。

Because clemens is on a minor league contract , cashman said that no part of clemens ' contract is guaranteed , nor do the yankees have a set date on which they must add the seven - time cy young award winner to their roster 現在火箭人的合約還只是小聯盟約,現金男不能保證大聯盟約一定會生效,洋基也沒有明確日期限定他何時回到洋基先發陣中。

The left fielder strained his left hamstring running out a ground ball on april 7 against the orioles in new york , but he completed his rehab sunday at the yankees ' minor league complex on himes avenue in tampa , fla 這位在4月7號,在主場對上金鷹時,為了接一顆滾地球而拉傷左大腿的左外野手,己經完成了在在的坦帕小聯盟球場的復健賽。

The 19 - game winner last season is scheduled to pitch in another minor league game thursday - - likely with class - a tampa - - and might rejoin the yankees ' rotation for a start april 24 at tampa bay 這名去年球季贏得19勝的選手預定星期四在小聯盟再主投一次,可能是在1a坦帕隊,可能在4月24日重回洋基隊的先發輪值,先發出戰坦帕灣魔鬼魚。

The 47 , 483 in yankee stadium got soaked , but not the yankees braintrust which had high hopes for wang , trusting that his minor league successes would translate to the majors 全場47 , 483名洋基球場里的觀眾看的如癡如醉.但對王建民充滿高度期待的的洋基教練團們卻一點也不意外.他們早就相信建民在小聯盟里的成功經驗可以移植到大聯盟來

“ i ' ve stated on many occasions how i wanted to reduce payroll , improve our talent base at the minor league level and improve our chances of trying to be the best we possibly can be , “ cashman said 很多時刻我的選擇是我如何想要節省薪資上的開支,同時補強小聯盟基礎的戰力,并改變我們的機會、嘗試讓我們的戰績能更好。

Roger clemens went home to houston and isn ' t slated to return to the yankees ' minor league complex until monday when he is scheduled to throw a simulated game in order to test his balky left hamstring 老克回到休士頓的家鄉自主訓練,預計要到下星期一才會回到坦帕的小聯盟球場參加模擬賽,測試他左肌腱的恢復狀況

In the meantime , the yankees face the rest of may without the assistance of clemens , who will require a series of rehabilitation starts throughout the yankees ' minor league chain 而在同時,洋基必需要面對五月份其它沒有火箭人協助的比賽。洋基試圖由他們小聯盟農場系統中,找出修補他們的先發輪值的方法。

Igawa in action : kei igawa made his first tune - up appearance at the yankees ' himes avenue minor league complex on wednesday in tampa , fla . , performing work on his mechanics and conditioning 井川慶動作了:阿宅星期三在帕坦開始了他第一次在洋基小聯盟調整的露面,執行他投球的機能與調整等工作。

Elbow injuries turned him into a ghost in the dodgers organization . in six minor league seasons through 2005 , he appeared in a total of 46 games and pitched a total of 97 innings 肘部傷勢使小郭在道奇球團像是無聲無息的鬼魂。截至2005年在小聯盟的六個球季中,他總共才不過出賽46場,投球97局。

It began in 1876 when the national league ( nl ) was established . the american league ( al ) was elevated from the minor league in 1900 to join the major league 它始于1876年,當“國家職棒聯盟” ,即國聯( nl )成立的時候。 “美國職棒聯盟” ,即美聯( al )在1900年從小聯盟升級上來加入。

Last season , clemens needed three minor league starts before debuting with the houston astros on june 22 , following his may 31 decision to unretire for a third time 上個球季,在他于六月廿二日第一次重回太空人隊的大聯盟初登板前,老克需要三場小聯盟熱身賽。 (他五月31號決定的) 。